Friday, February 6, 2009

Why Jeremiah?

For some reason, I decided to try to read a chapter of Jeremiah each day. People often quote Jeremiah, maybe I'd find it relevant too.

Yesterday, Jeremiah chapter 1: God can do whatever he wants through a person, even if they feel ill-equipped as Jeremiah did. God gives Jeremiah a job and says that He is all the equipment that Jeremiah needs. God is watching to see that His word is fulfilled.
Comments: My sinful lazy heart wants to find an excuse for myself here -- i.e. "if God wanted me to be doing more -- bigger -- more fruitful things, He'd do what He did to Jeremiah and make it happen." But how many times to I squelch a loving or bold impulse that just may have been God's voice calling, rather than acknowledging the impulse and considering it/ praying about it/ asking someone else what they think?

Today, Jeremiah chapter 2: Title: Israel Forsakes God. God, am I forsaking You? Is that what I am doing these days? Do you remember 'the devotion of my youth'(v2) and compare it with my behavior of today? Have I exchanged my Glory for worthless idols like Israel did, and are the heavens appalled and shuddering with great horror?(v11-12) Israel is accused of forsaking God, the spring of living water, and digging their own broken cisterns that cannot hold water.(v13) Well, yes I am parched. That is what I was describing in the previous post.

"Your wickedness will punish you; your backsliding will rebuke you. Consider then and realize how evil and bitter it is for you when you forsake the Lord your God and have no awe of me," declares the Lord, the Lord Almighty. (v19)

Why Jeremiah? God, I don't want to admit that this is me you are talking about, but if You are real and really do act then it is not just chance that I am reading this particular passage. You are trying to do something in my life. And I don't know if I want to get out of my miserable comfort zone and go along with it. It is bitter for me when I forsake you, but I find it terrifying to wonder what it means to go wholeheartedly along with you. Why do I feel this way?

Hopefully, You are watching and will see that your word is fulfilled. I am a miserable, fearful weakling. I simultaneously know that there is nothing better than your will, and want to run as far from You and from exposure of my sin as I possibly can.

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